
With flagship school programs that serve to develop balanced, mature and global perspective among students, to the most popular inter-school and intra-school events organized by the students themselves, our school, has been at the forefront of path-breaking initiatives. Creativity, innovation, and uniqueness have been the hallmark of our school events.

At Sanskriti…The School every child takes to the stage in some role or the other. Students not only participate but also create and co-organize their own events as rightful stakeholders.

SUMMER CAMP- 2022 (16th MAY 2022 – 29th MAY 2022)

(Let your child’s imagination & creativity soar this summer!)

12TH MARCH,2022

A Teacher Training workshop on Burlington English was conducted on 12th March, 2022 to apprise them about their module and curriculum. The resource person Ms. Nisha Bhakar,Academic Head, Burlington English Schools, emphasized on the digital features, blended learning approach as well as the integrated 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking into their learning materials to ensure that Burlington English students are able to use language confidently and fluently in real world contexts.

22nd February,2022

With a sense of pride and a tinge of sadness and heavy heart, a special assembly was organised on 22nd February, 2022 to bid adieu and wish a better future to the outgoing students of U4. The school presented the students with Hoodies and school magazine as a token of remembrance. All the students were filled with emotions as they delivered speeches and shared their beautiful journey and priceless memories in this school.

14th February, 2022

An auspicious day, February 14th, 2022 marks the Gyan Mandir Sthapna Diwas of Sanskriti school. The programme began by invoking God’s blessings by offering prayers to Goddess Saraswati. A Havan puja was held at the school temple in the presence of the Director of the school, Principal , Headmaster, Headmistress, teachers and our students.

RELEASE OF IRA (2019-20)
5th February, 2022

The school magazine is a reflection of the culture of the school as it is a mirror to all our activities, creativity, imagination and expression. It is a valuable souvenir for the students and the staff and a golden trophy for the parents to cherish the school for years to come. A school magazine is regarded as the miniature representation of the school. It promotes creativity and nurtures the skills of young minds. Our school magazine “IRA” is a delightful and colourful yearbook of the school which was released on 5th February, 2022 by our honorable Director sir, Principal sir and Headmistress Ma’am.

1st February, 2022

With the aim to create a culture of fitness and promote a healthy lifestyle, the government of India organised a 75 crore Surya Namaskar campaign in relation to AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV. All the students of our school participated in this campaign and offered a salutation to the Sun to exhibit one’s gratitude for each of its rays as it nurtures all living being.
26th January, 2022

Sanskriti….The School took great pride in glorifying and celebrating the 73rd Republic Day on January 26, 2022. The day was celebrated with immense patriotic fervour and zeal. The programme commenced with the flag hoisting followed by the National Anthem, patriotic songs and a motivational speech. A plethora of online activities were also organised to infuse the spirit of unity, brotherhood and patriotism among the students and also highlighted the duties and responsibilities of a citizen.

Date : 20th , 21st, 22nd January, 2022

As rightly said by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam….
“All of us do not have equal talents. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”

Every child possesses some unique talent, which has to be identified, instilled and fostered from a very tender age for the fast pacing competitive world. In order to nurture and encourage the young ingenious minds with the power of confidence, our school organised an online Inter-school event “Skills n Thrills” with
various competitions under different categories and age groups. A large number of students from different schools within the city and outside Ajmer participated in this event. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Date: 18th December, 2021
Scholars of level J3-J5 participated in the ‘JUST A MINUTE-JAM’ activity on 18th December, 2021. The activity was organized to test the student’s presence of mind, fluency of language and communication skills all within a span of one minute. A variety of topics like ‘My greatest fear’ , ‘If I was invisible’ ,’ The funniest thing about me’ , ‘The only thing I know to cook is ‘ were given to the scholars on the spot to encourage their confidence and develop speaking skills.
The topics triggered the imaginations of the participants and kept them engaged in spewing out their thoughts.

Date: 18th December, 2021
The English Recitation competition was organized on 18th December, 2021 for the scholars of level M1. The aim of the competition was to enhance the oratory skills of the scholars. Scholars recited beautiful poems of prominent English poets with proper diction, expression and tone.

Date: 18th December, 2021
Reading a review is a necessity before selecting any book to read. Writing a book review results in the development of various skills. A Book Review activity was thus conducted on 18th December, 2021 for the scholars of level M2-M3. The activity was fun learning for the scholars as writing a book review stimulated the discussion about the content of the book, which further enhanced their reading habit.

Date: 18th December, 2021
A poster making competition was organized on 18th December, 2021 for the scholars of U3. The objective of this competition was to bring out the creative expression of the scholars and to trigger their thought process and imagination.

Date: 16th December, 2021
To celebrate the 75th year of India’s Independence, a postcard writing campaign to the Honorable Prime Minister was conducted on 16th December, 2021 for the scholars of J5 – M3. The scholars were asked to write their thoughts and views on the topics ” Unsung Heroes of Freedom Struggle” or “My Vision for India in 2047”.

National Mathematics Day is celebrated on December 22 to honor the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. On this occasion, various activities were conducted for the scholars of level L1-U4.

Events 2021-22 (First Quarter)

  • APRIL :

Solo Dance Competition (L1-J2)
“Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment.”
Dance is the most enthusiastic and expressive means to showcase one.
The competition began with great zest and excitement.The lively dancers set the floor on fire with their peppy presentations. Their movements captured the essence of the music and movements were graceful and elegant. The colorful costumes of the little ones enhanced the pleasure of watching the performance.

English & Hindi Handwriting Competition (J3-J5)
Handwriting is an essential skill for both children and adults. Handwriting activates the brain more than using the keyboard because it involves more complex motor and cognitive skills. Handwriting contributes to fluency in reading by activating visual perception of letters. Handwriting is a predictor of success. Our scholars truly enjoyed themselves while participating in this competition.

English& Hindi Handwriting Competition (M1-M3)
Handwriting is the action of emotion, thought and decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention and disclosed the innermost depths of the heart. No machine or technology can replace the contribution or continuing importance of this skill. It has been necessary in every age and is just as vital to civilization as our next breath.

English&Hindi Slogan Writing Competition (M3)
Competitions of this sort increase the observational skills, response to thoughts, awareness, and concern of the students.
Enhancing the importance of the day, the theme was “Our Mother Earth”. It is truly said that every new challenge brings a new opportunity to learn.
Our young innovators showcased their writing skills with great zeal and excitedly expressed their ideas on it.

Poster Making Competition (U1,U2,U4)
The objective of the Poster Making Competition was to ignite the fire of imagination and creativity in the students. The theme of the competition was ‘Our Mother Earth’. Students were asked to express their ideas through paintings and sketches.The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an array of posters. Scholars participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made beautiful posters which gave the message of saving our mother Earth and providing a greener and brighter environment to our future generations. It was a great opportunity to watch these young minds creating and displaying their ideas on paper. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Hindi Recitation Competition (J3-J5)
Reading through books is not the only medium of learning. Fun-filled activities and competitions help in enhancing the learning process.
Keeping this in mind, a Hindi Recitation competition was organized on 23th April 2021 at Sanskriti……The School. With an aim to develop confidence, self-awareness and communication skills, the scholars participated with full enthusiasm and recited the rhymes with proper actions, expressions and voice modulation. Different topics were chosen and innovative props were used accordingly. All the participants were looking stunning.
The level of confidence while giving expressions was impressive. It was a delight to hear them singing with rhythm.

 Origami/ Paper Craft Competition (L1-J2)
Origami provided our little ones with wonderful “schematic learning through repeatable actions”.
The tiny tots were amazed to do transformation of a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting. Budding stars created unique and exclusive shapes and structures to showcase their finesse in paper craft.They made house, fan, fish, flower, boat, butterfly, dog, bird etc. and displayed them with great pleasure and gratification.
This activity triggered their imagination and enhanced their creative skills.The paper folding craft was not only a fun filled experience, but it also proved to be a valuable means to develop artistic skills in the young ones.

France on Canvas Competition (J3-J5)
French is the only language spoken on five out of the seven continents. More than 220 million people speak French. French is a major language of international communication. French is also the second most widely taught language after English. Keeping the importance of French Language in mind, we at Sanskriti……The School organized an activity “France on Canvas” for Level (J3-J5) on Saturday 24 April, 2021 to bring out the creativity of our scholars by uplifting their knowledge of French Language.
Scholars prepared French monuments, French symbols or anything that gives a marking impact of their knowledge of France along with their abundant creativity.

Math Quiz Competition (M1-M2)&Quick Calculations Tricks Competition (M3)
Quiz contests are a great way of analyzing how well one understands a subject and correlates the theoretical knowledge with its practical application in real life. It encourages students to stretch their knowledge horizons and look beyond what they are taught in class.
Easier said than done, a math quiz is an excellent way of finding how well the apprentices understand the concepts, and use them in their regular life. To promote and encourage a fun way of learning among students Sanskriti…..The School organized a “Math Quiz” for scholars of Level M1- M2 and “Quick Calculation Tricks” for scholars of Level M3. The scholars participated with full excitement and vitality.
The objective of conducting this competition was to enable students of different age groups to engage them with out of the box thinking, promote team play, map growth levels in the particular subject, improving their knowledge and learning from their counterparts, besides building competitive spirit among the teams.

Inter Level Chess Competition (M1- U4)
“Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer.” – Albert Einstein
Sanskriti……The School focuses on value based holistic education, man-making and nation building. It provides a platform to realize the hard work and talent of scholars. The competitions which are held determine the academic as well as co-curricular competency of the scholars. Scholars are also encouraged to compete at various inter-level competitions to showcase their talents and win laurels.
The Inter Level Chess Tournament is one such competition which is organized by Sanskriti…..The School to evaluate the acumen of the participant in a game which is considered to be one of the oldest games in the world.
The participants showed great enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed playing Chess. The matches clearly brought forth the eagerness with which our scholars were building their skills in Chess. Scholars adhered to the proper rules and regulations and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

  •  MAY:

English Recitation Competition (J3-J5)
The English Recitation Competition was conducted on Saturday, 1st May, 2021 for Levels J3-J5. As the competition coincided The International Labour Day, the theme was ‘Our Helpers – Our Real Superheroes’. The scholars showcased their recitation skills with well- rehearsed pronunciation and actions to match. The objective of this competition was to improve the public performance skills of our scholars, along with making them aware of the importance of our helpers in society. All the participants gave fantastic performances, and their respect for our helpers, especially the frontline workers in there tough times, absolutely shone through.

Little Chef Competition (L1-J5)
“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.”
To provide a platform for the scholars to foster their creativity, decision making skills and also help them explore their hidden talents, discover new areas of interest and exhibit their culinary skills, Sanskriti…..The School organised the “Fireless Cooking Competition” on 8th May 2021. The scholars enjoyed the day by enthusiastically taking part in this fun learning package. The competition was conducted with a view to create awareness about the nutritional value of food prepared without fire, to demonstrate the scholars’ culinary knowledge and skills related to: developing and following a recipe and preparation of a dish.
The participants served plates of Bhelpuri, KatoriChaat, sandwiches, shakes, Mojito, Chocolate lollipop among other delicacies.
Students prepared yummy lip-smacking items and they were judged on the basis of presentation, appearance and serving manners.

Collage Making Competition(M1-M3)
“Art Expression is a unique way of linking imagination and creativity with the shades and tints of colors and paints.”
Collage is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
A collage may sometimes include magazine and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paint, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper. Keeping this in mind Sanskriti……The School organized Collage Making Competition on topic International Labor Day.

Story Telling& Katha Vachan Competition(M1-M2)
On 8th May, 2021, a storytelling competition was conducted in English and Hindi language for the scholars of Levels M1-M2. The scholars participated enthusiastically and gave lovely performances, speaking clearly and telling stories in a well- rehearsed manner. The competition was conducted smoothly.

English Recitation Competition (M3)
The scholars of M3 took part in a lively and enthusiastic English Recitation Competition on 8th May, 2021. The scholars presented their poems beautifully and enthralled their peers and the judges with their presentations.

Best Out of Waste Competition (J3-J5)
The activity Best out of waste was conducted on 15/05/21 for the scholars of Level J3to J5.The objective of this activity was to create awareness among scholars about the harmful effects of waste on the environment. In order to curb it, scholars were asked to reinvent and reuse the resources. The learning outcome of this activity was that scholars learnt to make the best use of waste material in order to make something creative and useful causing less harm to the environment. Scholars explored and came up with innovative items made out of waste material.They used their imagination and creativity to make innovative things. The activity displayed creativity of the little ones and developed sense of love for environment.

English& Hindi Article Writing Competition(M1-M3)
Article writing is an act of putting into writing the beautiful, rich inspirations of the muse. Even though the muse seems like a source of inspiration to many individuals, it is truly a great source of information to writers, as it embodies a great deal of knowledge unknown to humans. It is a process of putting down your thoughts about a particular topic of interest. The way you put down your thoughts would be determined by the type of message you would like to pass to your audience. Keeping this in mind Sanskriti…..The School organized English and Hindi Article Writing Competition for Levels: M1-M3.

Show and Tell Competition(L1-J2) 22 May,2021
‘SHOW AND TELL’, a key part of the pre-primary curriculum, is a vital element of a child’s learning development as it aids in organizing information and building
Self- esteem. It’s also a great way to encourage a child’s interest in a particular topic and a chance for children to think outside the box.
We, at SANSKRITI…THE SCHOOL, organized a ‘SHOW AND TELL COMPETITION’ for scholars of L1-J2 on 22 May,2021, to foster public speaking competency and to strengthen their verbal and descriptive skills by communicating feelings, thoughts and emotions through words.
Also, this competition was held alongside our online BROWN COLOUR THEME CELEBRATION for the month of May 2021.
Brown coloured toys, charts, posters, food items, apparel, decorative items etc. were used as props by the scholars which added to the beauty of the online competition cum celebration.

Story Telling Competition(J3-J5)
The Story-Telling Competition was held today for levels J3-J5. The theme for the competition was ‘Panchtantra Stories’. Our scholars took great pleasure in using props, actions and even playing dress-up to give the complete effect of the story. They also extolled the virtues of the morals from the stories. It was an enlightening and extremely enjoyable experience.
Storytelling is a unique human skill shared amongst people far and wide. It opens up the vivid imagination that runs wild in children and it also builds confidence and enhances speaking skills. A storytelling competition was organized for the scholars of Level J3-J5 at Sanskriti…….The School.
The young vibrant storytellers came forth with wonderful tales from the Panchatantra. These stories reinforced moral values and some were humorous as well. The stories were judged on the basis of expression, confidence, diction and presentation skills of the children. The activity was conducted with great enthusiasm.

Bio Diversity Day Competition(U1-U4) 21st of May, 2021
Biodiversity is the variety in living organisms that exist on Earth. These include at least 8 million species and the various ecosystems that intermingle and live together.
The theme for Biodiversity Day 2021 is ‘We are part of the solution For Nature’. The theme stresses on hope, solidarity and the importance of working together at all levels to build a future that is in harmony with nature.
With the above aim, we, at Sanskriti….The School, believe in instilling in our children a love for nature and a sense of responsibility in protecting it.Thus, on 21st of May, 2021 we conducted a competition for the scholars of U1 to U4 to celebrate International Biodiversity Day.
The live contest on Facebook had given us means to gather and share the valuable facts on biodiversity. The year 20-21 has added a new learning platform for us which probably had never been in vogue. Digital learning has turned out to be a new rampant form in every neck and corner across the globe. So just to make use of this digital platform we chose to organize this event.

  • JUNE:

Father’s Day Celebration(L1-U4)
Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society.
Father is a person who
Let’s you experiment life in your own way and pulls you up when you fall.
Let’s you get angry on him and loves you more after that.
Let’s you see things your own way and then gives his view point.
Is with you always, especially when you need him!
This year we at Sanskriti…..The School celebrated Father’s Day on a virtual platform on 20th June, 2021. The children were excited to have their fathers with them for the session. It was lovely to see the father-child duo sitting together and fathers wore the Crown with one superlative adjective that describes their quality made by their kids for them.

Extra Activity

Great Mathematicians of India who are inspirations for our scholars (J3-J5)

When we talk about great mathematicians we are not necessarily talking about rich and famous people. There are plenty of mathematicians who have done innumerable services for our country and society at large, without being popular or rich. Children today should know about them and the work they have done. We conducted an activity on famous mathematicians, where scholars researched about famous mathematicians and the role they played in the world of mathematics. Each and every scholar was enthusiastic in their speaking and were eagerly waiting for the chance to showcase their research. Activity was conducted successfully and by this they come to know about the famous mathematicians of India.

  • Virtual Summer Camp Activities:

Yoga &Prayanam(J1-M3)
As said by our Prime Minister Mr. NarendraModiji “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with you, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help in wellbeing.”
International Yoga Day was celebrated by Sanskriti……The School. The scholars of Level J1-M3 and teachers participated with great enthusiasm. Demonstration of various asanas followed by Omkar chanting, warm up exercises were done and all the students performed sitting and standing asanas, importance of these were explained simultaneously.The celebration concluded with synchronized recitation of shlokas. We encourage scholars to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration
Regular practice of yoga will surely help our scholars achieve a better life – physically, mentally and spiritually as well.

Our health is our most valuable wealth. A person’s physical fitness measures health and fitness. It can be achieved through proper nutrition and physical exercises. Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness – flexibility, muscular strength and cardio-vascular fitness.
Sanskriti……..The School has organized Aerobics as one of the activity in summer camp to benefit the scholars mind and body in different ways. It helps to prevent heart diseases, maintains the body weight, enhancing cognitive performance and improving brain health.

Indian Music(J1-M3)
Music has a place of primacy in Indian culture: in traditional aesthetics, music is often allegorised as ‘the food of the soul’. It symbolises India’s remarkable diversity in cultural, linguistic and religious terms and embodies the historical tides that have shaped its contemporary pluralism.
Music is a pleasant sound which is a combination of melodies and harmony and which soothes you. Music may also refer to the art of composing such pleasant sounds with the help of the various musical instruments. The Indian Classical music is characterized by microtones (or shruti), notes (or swara), ornamentations (or alankar), melodies improvised from grammar (or raga) and rhythmic patterns used in percussion (or tala).
Sanskriti……..The School has organized Indian Music as one of the activity in summer camp to learn Sargam, Ragas, Taals, etc by our scholars.

Western Music(J1-M3)
Music is a vital part of different moments of human life. It spreads happiness and joy in a person’s life. Music is the soul of life and gives immense peace to us. In the words of William Shakespeare, “If music is the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it; that surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die.” Thus, music helps us in connecting with our souls or real self.
Western music is a form of country music composed by and about the people. Western music celebrates the lifestyle of the cowboy.
Sanskriti……..The School has organized Western Music as one of the activity in summer camp to learn rhythm, instruments and can develop your language and reasoning. It also helps scholars to increase coordination, emotional development, creative thinking and to be better at team work.

Art & Craft(J1-M3)
The importance of art and craft in early education is well-known. Be it making miniature statues from clay or coloring with crayons, folding papers expertly to make origami shapes or preparing a birthday card. Art and craft activities spike a child’s interest and tap his artistic potential. By introducing your child to art and craft or encouraging him to take it up, you will sow the seeds for his physical, social and cognitive development.
Sanskriti…….The School has organized Art & Craft as one of the activity in Summer camp to develop fine motor skills, improvement of hand-eye coordination, sharpens skills of decision making and enhances self-expression, creativity, memory and visual learning.

Events 2019

Annual Exhibition 2019-2020
Shiv Smriti -Inter School Fest
73 Independence Day
I H Hindi Declamation
I H English Declamation
Western Music Workshop
Kargil Diwas
Guru Purnima
Inter House Basket Ball and Swimming
I H Documentary Designing
Mentor’s Workshop
Labor Day
I H Documentary Designing