Games And Sports

At our school, we prioritize the holistic development of our students. We believe that sports and games are essential components of their educational journey, instilling values and skills that prepare them for success in various aspects of life. Through sports, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals who possess not only academic prowess but also the confidence, resilience, and social aptitude to thrive in any endeavor they choose.

At Sanskriti…each scholar can opt for one choice(from the list given below) as per his/her interest .This choice if filled on a form circulated at the beginning of the session. if a scholar wishes to change the activity they can do so after a term putting a written request duly signed by the principal. The myriad choices in sports are as given under:-

1. Squash
2. Badminton
3. Karate
4. Skating
5. Football
6. Cricket
7. Hockey
8. Volleyball
9. Basketball
10. Handball
11. Tennis
12. Swimming (Compulsory Activity)
13. Wrestling
14. Yoga
15. Boxing
16. Soft Ball

We even have “ Stag academy” which trains our scholars in-:

1. Table Tennis
2. Horse riding
3. 10 m Air pistol/Rifle shooting