
Behaviour, Discipline and Pastoral/Pupil Welfare

Sanskriti has a buddy system wherein Sanskriti scholars help new scholars who are unfamiliar with aspects of the school. This encourages scholars to care for and take responsibility for others.

Children achieve more if they are settled in a happy but disciplined environment. We promote this through a system of rewards and sanctions operating together. Alongside this is a clear discipline policy, which handles problems in a manner appropriate to the child and the offence. Parents will be notified and invited to discuss a matter further when it is considered that a child’s behaviour is not appropriate.

Bullying will not be tolerated in any circumstances and children are instructed to inform teachers or an adult if they see any sort of bullying taking place.

Our aim is to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and responsibility. Positive behaviour strategies are used in school and children are rewarded with a ‘STAR’ in the Almanac for good behaviour.

Request To the Parents

  • Parents are requested to inform the school in writing if there is any change in their co-ordinates.
  • A scholar should restrict the birthday celebrations only to toffees . No gifts are acceptable in our school on such occasions.
  • Write to the Level Mentor about the problems of your wards or for seeking guidance. The letter will be replied after discussion with appropriate authorities. In case of parents wanting discussion with more than one Mentor, a meeting can be arranged with concerned Mentors.
  • Encourage your wards to take interest in activities of the school.
  • Excessive spending should be discouraged and refrain from giving any money to your wards unless asked for by the school authorities for any specific purpose.

Expulsion: For extremely serious misdemeanors

  • Avoid giving valuable articles to your wards to bring to the School. In case of violation of this, the School will confiscate the article.
  • The School bears no responsibility for the articles lost in school. In case of a loss, however, a letter giving details of the lost article / (s) may be sent to the Sub-level Mentor.
  • Encourage children to prepare various subject Projects themselves. Neither purchase it nor get it prepared by professionals.
  • Avoid giving tuck (namkeen / chips / chocolates etc.) to your children for consumption in school. Wholesome nourishing food is provided in school.

Cellphones are strictly not permitted in School.